Forensic Medicine

Clinical forensic medicine is the intersection between the legal system and medicine related to the living person. (Forensic pathology relates to the deceased). It includes the collection and interpretation of information for the purposes of civil and criminal law, the judiciary and the police. Interpretation of evidence may include direct contact with a patient, collection of specimens and documentation of injuries but it may also include the provision of an interpretation of the findings of others in relation to a forensic health-related matter without direct contact with the patient (in some cases this is a second opinion, in others it is an interpretation of facts relying on specific expertise in that area of health).

Forensic Medicine: Further Information
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australia

Royal College of Physicians
The Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine

Forensic And Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Australia

The University of Sydney
Sydney Medical School Handbook 2015
Master’s degree in HIV, STIs and Sexual Health

The University of Sydney
Sydney Forensic Medicine and Science Network

Monash University
Master of Forensic Medicine